MUET Examination Department

Mehran University
Examination Department

Note: Once you have been registered successfully, then you will be able to fill your examinations forms yearly/semesterwise.
You will not be able to sign in untill you will not click on link that has been sent to your email address after registration, or Admin will activate your account. So please be patient if you will face sign issues, contact examication department by filling a contact us request from this website

Personal Information:
  Dr Miss Mr Mrs Ms Prof.

User ID / Password :

Please make sure this should be a valid email and you remember it�s password.
If you do not have a valid email, click here to create one.


Write the image text bellow
Our Terms and Conditions :
  • Mehran University of Engineering & Technology needs to store the personal information you provide as part of a Student contact information in the database.

  • You will only be able to proceed by selecting "agree".  After successful registration if you attempted to login 3 times with in-correct password or username then your account will be de-activated by competeting authority.

Information Desk

Are You Eligible For
Examination Registration ?

Before you fill the form make sure you are already got admission in MUET, then you are allowed.

All the students are informed that, Please use our online exams registration system.

It will be helpful to all of you to keep track record of your all exams and there notifications

If you do not have an account, click here to create one.